Channel Sinews (Jingjin)

The Psoas Major, the Lumbar Plexus, and the Dai Mai

By Brian Lau|January 3rd, 2022|Acupoints & Motor Points, Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

Every December, I lead two back-to-back five-day cadaver labs for the University of Tampa’s Physician Assistant program. In each lab, I lead half of the students through a full body dissection in five small teams, each working on a specimen. The following week,

Supinator Syndrome

By Matt Callison|March 2nd, 2021|Assessment & Treatment, Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

This blog article on "Supinator Syndrome" is an excerpt from the Sports Medicine Acupuncture: An Integrated Approach Combining Sports Medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine textbook available from The Great Imitator for Lateral Epicondylitis Figure 1. Increased tension in the supinator muscle

The Sternocleidomastoid Muscle & Its Channel Relationships

By Brian Lau|July 2nd, 2020|Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

Fig. 1 The Sternocleidomastoid muscle The sternocleidomastoid muscle (Fig. 1) is frequently involved with a host of issues that bring patients into an acupuncture clinic. This muscle is a major contributor to muscle tension headaches, but also

Patient Self-Care for Balancing the Lung Sinew Channel (Jingjin)

By Brian Lau|May 5th, 2020|Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

Fig. 1: Patient has shortened LU Jingjin with an anterior scapular tilt This blog post will look at the influence of the myofascial plane of the Lung sinew channel (jingjin) on the position of the scapula and, therefore, its involvement with injuries

Pericardium and Lung Channel Sinew and Scapular Position

By Brian Lau|November 6th, 2019|Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

This blog post is a summary of some of the information Brian Lau, L.Ac., C.SMA recently presented at the Atlantic Symposium in New Jersey this past October 5th. The presentation was on postural assessment, the channel sinews and the zangfu — specifically the pericardium

Assessment & Treatment of the Channel Sinews for Posterior & Medial Knee Pain

By |June 5th, 2019|Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

  There are many injuries that affect the Urinary Bladder and Kidney channel sinews (jingjin). Having a detailed understanding of the myofascial anatomy associated with these channels is especially important to the practitioner practicing or studying Sports Medicine Acupuncture®,  or to any practitioner who

An Analysis of the Channel Imbalances Associated with Patellofemoral Syndrome

By Brian Lau|December 3rd, 2018|Channel Sinews (Jingjin)|

In Sports Medicine Acupuncture®, we emphasize an integrated model, incorporating the best from the traditions of Western Orthopedics/Sports Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Maybe we learn about trigger points and then everything we see is through the lens of trigger point referral patterns. Or,

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