Cybil Kendrick — C.SMA of the Month (Jul. 2018)

Cybil Kendrick, L.Ac., LMT, C.SMA


Sports Medicine Acupuncturists in Denver: Cybil Kendrick, C.SMA — AcuSport Education's C.SMA of the Month (June 2018) | SportsMedicineAcupuncture.comCybil Kendrick is one of our sports acupuncturists in Denver, Colorado — certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture®. She writes about how her current job was given to her because of her SMAC training

“I work in a chiropractic office where they specialize in sports medicine and what drew the chiropractor to me was my strong knowledge of anatomy, pathomechanism of injury from a western standpoint and my ability to help her understand how acupuncture can help her patients. She had talked to many acupuncturists in the past but none of them were able to use her language and talk about injuries the way she does.”  

Cybil describes how she had struggled to marry the concepts of Eastern Medicine with Western orthopedic/sports philosophy in relation the treatment of injuries in the athletic community where she was rooted:

“When I found Matt Callison shortly after getting my MSTOM and took my first class with him, I was hooked. He had made that connection between the two separate worlds in my brain and it immediately changed how I practiced, increased my efficacy and thus my patient load. I still have patients who drive 1.5 hrs from Summit to see me, which is very humbling.

My favorite story is of a 62 year-old female who came to me as a last resort to help with her shoulder pain.  She had frozen shoulder, a torn supraspinatus, and bone spurs. The PT was not having much success and she was not able to have surgery because she only had half of a working kidney. Fairly quickly I was able to free up her internal and external rotation but abduction was not changing very much—in my head I had assumed that was due to her bone spurs, which were on the top of the shoulder. At this time, I had another weekend class with Matt and he showed us an amazing point to free up frozen shoulders especially with abduction issues so of course I immediately used it on her and after the treatment she was able to completely abduct her shoulder with no pain. The PT was shocked, to say the least, that I was able help her so much with one treatment.”

To connect with Cybil, visit her listing in the C.SMA Practitioner Directory: Cybil Kendrick L.Ac., LMT, C.SMA

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  1. Uzi July 5, 2018 at 8:29 pm - Reply

    Cybil you’re awesome. Thanks so much for helping us through the wonderful SMAc program and inspiring us to grow as practitioners of Sports Medicine Acupuncture.

  2. Scott, AP Sheila February 6, 2019 at 7:37 pm - Reply

    Great story Cybil as I work with a DC too!

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