Pain Science & Myofascial Trigger Points by Joseph Bickle, L.Ac., C.SMA

Myofascial Trigger Points & Pain Science by Joseph Bickle | SPORTSMEDICINEACUPUNCTURE.COM

Joseph Bickle, L.Ac., C.SMA will be presenting info on pain science at the upcoming PSOAS 2023 event. See below for a recent podcast with Joe and Brian Lau, AP, C.SMA.

Brian Lau and I recently conducted a brief discussion of Myofascial Trigger Points, Motor Entry Points, and considerations for their treatment on the American Acupuncture Council Facebook program.

Here is the podcast recording:

Our goal was to distill more explicit definitions of the two point types and furnish insights into how we use them.

Finally, we touched on concepts surrounding local twitch response, as well as the treatment dosages of various modalities and trigger points specifically.

We hope you find it engaging!

As Brian mentioned in the video above, I will be discussing trigger points and treatment dosage in greater detail at the Pacific Sports and Orthopedic Acupuncture Symposium on April 3, 2023.

I will also be going over current views on pain science, and how to better incorporate all of this information into clinical practice.

Click below for more info and to register for the upcoming PSOAS event:

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