A Proprioceptive Needle Technique for the Neck & Completion of the 2019-2022 SMAC Program

A Proprioceptive Needle Technique for the Neck & Completion of the 2019-2022 SMAC Program | SPORTSMEDICINEACUPUNCTURE.COM

In this month’s blog post, we’re sharing a video of a proprioceptive needle technique for the neck and a bit about the completion of the 2019-2022 SMAC Program.

Completion of the 2019-2022 SMAC Program

We just completed the East Coast 2019-2020 Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification program…well, sort of. This takes a small bit of explanation.

We were in New Jersey in March of 2020 to finish Module II of the four-module program. Like the rest of the world, this was put on pause as the pandemic really started to escalate. During this time, we converted about two-thirds of the classes in the SMAC program to an online format, reserving the classes with advanced needle technique to in-person only after the pandemic. This was an obvious decision since many of these techniques require detailed instruction and oversight and an online webinar is not appropriate.

Upon building the classes that are appropriate for online, we decided to continue to offer these even as we have returned to in-person classes. It offers a way for those who want to go through the program a more affordable way as they can save on travel and can complete the classes without having to take time off from work. Some people prefer this format, while others prefer the in-person class experience, so we are thrilled to offer both.

This has opened the program to more people and increased demand for the Assessment & Treatment of the Injuries classes (not offered online), so we have added extras of these classes, including one in San Diego for Module IV: Assessment and Treatment of Neck, Shoulder and Upper Extremity Injuries on June 23-26. So, officially, this will be the final class for the 2019-2022 program.

Proprioceptive Needle Technique

Here is a proprioceptive needle technique for the neck that was demonstrated in New Jersey. It highlights needling extra point Chonggu while performing a prone neck retraction exercise—excellent for a forward head posture.

This extra point is located under the C6 spinous process on the Du Mai. The needle angle is transverse-oblique and should be inserted to a depth of 1 inch into the fibers of the interspinous ligament.

Here’s a review from the April 21-24 Class: Assessment and Treatment of Neck, Shoulder & Upper Extremity Injuries in Bloomfield, New Jersey:

“Thank you so much, Matt Callison, for your immense generosity, not just with information but with emotional intelligence dealing with all the stuff we humans brought with us to the seminar! This was a weekend filled with every possible emotion for me and I truly grew as a practitioner and a person. The quality of the assistants and the dedication of Patricia speak reams about the program and its karma, not to mention its healing utility. Thank you again. I hope to live up to what has been given to me.” Ana Guerrero

About the author(s):

Matt Callison is the president of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification program. He has been combining sports medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 26 years. He is the author of the Motor Point and Acupuncture Meridians Chart, the Motor Point Index, The Sports Medicine Acupuncture textbook and many articles on the combination of sports medicine and TCM.

Brian Lau, AP, C.SMA is has been on the faculty of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification since 2014, and also teaches foundation courses with AcuSport Education. Brian lives and practices in Tampa, FL where he owns and operates Ideal Balance: Center for Sports Medicine Acupuncture (www.ideal-balance.net). He blogs on anatomy and TCM at www.sinewchannels.com.

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About the author(s):

Matt Callison is the president of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification program. He has been combining sports medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 26 years. He is the author of the Motor Point and Acupuncture Meridians Chart, the Motor Point Index, The Sports Medicine Acupuncture textbook and many articles on the combination of sports medicine and TCM.

Brian Lau, AP, C.SMA is has been on the faculty of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification since 2014, and also teaches foundation courses with AcuSport Education. Brian lives and practices in Tampa, FL where he owns and operates Ideal Balance: Center for Sports Medicine Acupuncture (www.ideal-balance.net). He blogs on anatomy and TCM at www.sinewchannels.com.