Reviews of SMAC Online Webinar — Module One: The Spine Anatomy/Palpation/Cadaver Workshop

We just finished the first in the series of live webinars for Module One: The Spine “Anatomy/Palpation/Cadaver Lab.”

It was a great success and we at AcuSport Education want to thank the many people that registered for this class and provided such incredible feedback and comments afterwards!

We are extremely excited that the online platform enables us to educate people around the world in a single course. In this lab, we had students from the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, and the Cayman Islands!

These acknowledgements motivate and help us evolve so we can continue to provide the highest quality education to practitioners who can then utilize these new skills to provide even better care for their patients.

AcuSport Education's Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification (SMAC) Program: MODULE I — The Spine |

Here are a few of the reviews of our SMAC Online Webinar that were graciously offered:

“What a brilliant course this was! This is my first day back working as an acupuncturist since attending the course. I feel I am a better acupuncturist. My point location, treatment plans and palpation are much sharper. Both Matt and Brian are a real inspiration. To have cadavers was a great privilege. I woke up each morning in NZ to attend the course at 3am and it was totally worth it. It is great to have a recording and notes to keep referring to. Thank you all involved for presenting this fantastic course.” | Emmeline Taylor (New Zealand)

“Best online seminar I’ve taken so far, so well-organized and packed to the brim with useful information and anatomical imagery. Definitely worth my time and money!” | Greta Goforth (United States of America)

“The SMAC program and teachers are phenomenal. My focus is sports acupuncture and I always learn so much applicable information. It is complex, yet they break it down into understandable information. I highly suggest any of the SMAC programs even if you do not focus on sport or orthopedic acupuncture, you will learn so much more than you thought you would, and your techniques will be elevated!” | Hilary Patzer (United States of America)

“Such wonderful work! Tying modern anatomical knowledge to the traditional theory gives it a lot of depth, and I think every acupuncturist ought to know the information Matt and Brian are teaching. Practical knowledge that I know will make my patients feel better.” | Edward Chiu (United States of America)

“I think in general you have not said enough about your course online. I have been hesitant to take the class because I wasn’t sure how much more your course would offer from what I have already figured out and studied. I get the impression from this weekend that it will be a larger leap than what I expected from reading on your website. Thank you for this. Matt and Brian, your demeanor in your teaching styles is awesome. You’re delivery of the information has a feel about it that you genuinely want others to learn. It gives the class another level of enjoyment. Also, thank you for your flexibility in bringing these classes online. I’m not sure I would have been able to take them otherwise. Thank you for the weekend. I look forward to the PACE class coming up!” | Michelle Greenhough (Canada)

“This was truly an exceptional seminar. I need to review this information heavily before I feel like I’ve truly absorbed it and feel confident applying it (this is no fault of the seminar or the teachers, just my need to review it). I am so grateful and excited for the next class!” | Christina Hart (United States of America)

“I have learned a lot in this course and it really opened up my perspective. It’s a lot of new information and it definitely takes time to digest. But I can’t wait to dive deeper into this program. Great course, useful techniques, a ton of information, amazing teachers who inspire me! Thank you for your hard work it is much appreciated. And the cadaver dissection is the cherry on the cake.” | Andrea Janovics (Cayman Islands)

“Thank you for the clear and well thought through training content and supporting materials. I appreciate the way you respectfully integrate modern science into TCM. Your teachings and contributions clearly elevate our profession. Grateful to be a part of the SMAC program!” | Lauren Paap (United States of America)

“Amazing class. So well organized and so much practical information. Thank you!!” | L Natasha Reiss (United States of America)

“The extent and quality of the video library was totally amazing! So many good videos to learn from. I’ve been in class many times, and I enjoyed the online module way more than I thought I would! I also appreciated new material being woven in — officially going to get rid of my 2014 class notes and move on to these!” | Diane Wintzer (United States of America)

“I can’t wait to learn more from you guys!” | Timoni Slusher (United States of America)

Again, thank you.

From all of us at AcuSport Education

About the author(s):

Matt Callison, L.Ac. of AcuSport Education | SPORTSMEDICINEACUPUNCTURE.COM

Matt Callison is the president of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification program. He has been combining sports medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 26 years. He is the author of the Motor Point and Acupuncture Meridians Chart, the Motor Point Index, The Sports Medicine Acupuncture textbook and many articles on the combination of sports medicine and TCM.

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About the author(s):

Matt Callison, L.Ac. of AcuSport Education | SPORTSMEDICINEACUPUNCTURE.COM

Matt Callison is the president of the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification program. He has been combining sports medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 26 years. He is the author of the Motor Point and Acupuncture Meridians Chart, the Motor Point Index, The Sports Medicine Acupuncture textbook and many articles on the combination of sports medicine and TCM.